Tag Archives: destruction

Investigation Video: Primeval Forest Destruction in Romania’s National Parks

EuroNatur and Agent Green: This is currently Europe’s biggest environmental drama!

Most of the EU’s last primeval forests are found in Romania.  But they are under immediate threat from ongoing commercial logging, even in national parks and Natura 2000 areas, environmental NGOs EuroNatur and Agent Green claim. Today the NGOs publish the first episode of the investigative video documentary online series “Out of Control”, showing evidence of fresh and brutal logging of primeval forests within the Domogled – Valea Cernei National Park.

Agent Green investigators visited the last untouched valley of the park, which was opened for commercial logging by the forest and park authorities last spring and discovered scandalous devastation of pristine nature.

“The eradication of primeval forests in Romania is Europe’s biggest and most pressing nature conservation drama today. But almost nobody is taking notice”, says Gabriel Schwaderer, CEO of EuroNatur Foundation. “If no action is taken now, many of these valuable forests will be gone within the next 2 to 3 years”, explains Gabriel Paun, President of Agent Green. EuroNatur and Agent Green call on the Romanian government to immediately halt commercial logging in all Romanian national parks, to include all primeval and old growth forests in national parks in the core zones and to adopt a modern, independent and well-funded national park management system. Also the EU needs to get proactively engaged in saving this precious European natural heritage.

Deliberate old growth forest devastation in Romania’s national parks

In Romania’s national parks, centuries old trees are logged for products such as wood-based panels, firewood, pulp and other products.. In the vast majority of these “protected areas”, commercial logging is present on most of the park’s surface, eating away large areas of precious, biodiversity-rich primeval forests.

12 out of 13 national parks in Romania fail to meet international conservation criteria, which prioritise conservation objectives in management plans and ban industrial exploita-tion of resources. Logging is happening with the approval of the national park administrations and right before the eyes of the Government. The Romanian state does not provide basic funding for the national parks. Most of the national and nature parks are administered and financed by Romanian State Forestry company, Romsilva. Environmentalists and scientists claim that Romsilva dictates a commercial perspective before conservation commitments.

Logging of old growth forests for cheap products?

Recently, the Romanian logging industry with support of the government embellished in hyperbole about an alleged “fire wood crisis”, justifying logging of old growth forests to prevent people from freezing in winter. Only about 3% of Romania’s 6.5 million hectares of forests are old growth or primeval. “To argue that we need to destroy ancient forests because of a sudden ‘fire wood crisis’ is clearly deliberate manipulation of the truth. There are plenty of degraded forests in the country, where extraction of fire wood has a lesser impact on biodiversity and would not breach nature protection obligations,” Gabriel Paun says.

The Romanian Government and EU need to take immediate action.

EuroNatur and Agent Green call on the Romanian government to:

  • enlarge core zones of the national parks according to international standards (at least 75% of surface)
  • halt commercial logging in all Romanian national parks
  • include all primary and old growth forests in national parks in the core zones
  • adopt a modern and independent national park management system, following best practice models like in Sweden, Germany or Austria; and
  • provide private forest owners within the national park boundaries with appropriate compensation.

All Romanian national parks are included in Natura 2000 sites based upon EU legislation.  Despite this supposed protection measure, virgin forests are being lost and degraded in contradiction to the EU’s nature directives. Therefore the EU needs to take action as well to ensure appropriate law enforcement takes place in Romania.

Download Background-Dossier:
BACKGROUND-DOSSIER – OUT OF CONTROL – The tragedy of logging in Romania’s national parks

Intact, but unprotected virgin forest in Domogled – Valea Cernei National Park.

Film synopsis: OUT OF CONTROL

Domogled – Valea Cernei National Park is the biggest National Park in Romania, covering 62,000 of hectares of rare beauty. It is a sanctuary for flora and fauna. The park stretches along the beautiful Cerna river and the surrounding mountain ranges, which were covered until recently with mostly untouched beech and endemic black pine forests. Domogled National Park used to be part of Europe’s last Intact Forest Landscape in the temperate climate, but large areas of pristine nature have been lost in recent times. Only one major side valley of Cerna river was left untouched: Cernisoara.

Presently, only 48% of the park’s surface is under strict protection and this is mainly alpine meadows and steep slopes surrounding the ancient city of Baile Herculane. The pressure of exploitation has already moved into the last untouched stands and has reached old forests at the tree line, close to the alpine area.

Logging approval in the park’s last untouched valley

In April 2017 logging was also approved in the Radoteasa-Vlasia valley system, the last remaining completely untouched valley and home to the most valuable primeval mixed beech forest. In October 2017 the investigators found large areas of pristine forest on the southern slope of Radoteasa valley have been pierced by intrusive roads and cutting ancient trees. The camera documented the deliberate destruction of supposedly protected nature and massive chaos: huge stumps of over 250 years old beech trees, industrial oil barrels, rusty old logging trucks left to rot in the middle of the forest. Forest workers told the investigators that the logging site was given away for commercial logging although national park managers were aware of the presence of virgin forests in that area. They said that they will continue to log as long the forests are not under protection and Romsilva and the national park administration give approvals for wood harvesting.

The investigation team was accompanied by an employee of Romsilva (the Romanian State Forestry administrator), who agreed to reveal the truth behind the so called “legal harvesting activities” within the park. The inspector took the investigation team to several primeval forests containing rich biodiversity which were being brutally logged at the time of filming. In great sorrow, he quoted his grandfather, who recently told him: “We guarded these untouched forests and now I have lived to see them destroying them“”

National park director hides from the film team

The investigation team wanted to confront the director of the park with their findings several times. But the official, who is employed by Romsilva, made up several ridiculous excuses for not being able to meet the reporters. The same thing happened with the Commissioner of the Environmental Guard, who were also unable to speak to the national park director even if a notification was sent to him beforehand.

UNESCO World Heritage Site threatened

Parts of Domogled – Valea Cernei were added to the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Primeval and old growth beech forests of the Carpathians and other countries of Europe” by the World Heritage Committee in July 2017. The park hosts the largest share of the Romanian contribution to the UNESCO site. The rest of the national park, outside the UNESCO core zones, has been defined as a “buffer zone”, which, according to the World Heritage Committee, should be managed “sympathetically to ensure the long-term conservation of the particular character of the designated beech forests together with its inherent attributes”. The reality in Romania is different: natural beech forests are continuously destroyed and degraded all over the UNESCO “buffer zone”, including fresh massive logging in the immediate vicinity of the UNESCO core zone boundaries. The investigation team discovered fresh logging close to the UNESCO site component part “Iauna Craiova”.

Residents and ancient cultural land affected by logging

Domogled National Park also hosts ancient cultural land in the Cerna Valley of outstanding beauty, where residents live a very traditional livelihood. This cultural heritage where people have been living in a subsistence economy for hundreds of years in remote villages, in a fine-tuned balance with the nature, is also about to be destroyed. The planned logging will put their way of life at risk. In the video report, one local of 24 still living in 11 households of Inelet mountain village, expresses serious concern and critique on the exploitation plans. Commercial cutting was never allowed in that cultural heritage area. The new road and planned wood harvesting will destroy a forest with an average age of more than 200 years.

Logging of old growth forests for cheap products?

While the old growth forests have the highest conservation value, they offer the lowest economical value being harvested for so called „fire wood quality“. Some pieces end in massive furniture while most of it in wood-based panels and fire wood. Recently, the Romanian logging industry with support of the government embellished in hyperbole about an alleged “fire wood crisis”, justifying logging of old growth forests to prevent people from freezing in winter. Only about 3% of Romania’s 6.5 million hectares of forests are old growth or primeval.

Devastation of pristine Radoteasa valley in the middle of Domogled National Park.


Forest Alert: Romanian Ministry Attacks Own Primary Forest Protection Laws

Anti conservation forces in Ministry utilise Governmental interregnum to shoot at forest protection legislation

Bucharest / Radolfzell, 28 June 2017 – The Romanian Ministry for Water and Forests surprisingly neglects the existence of its 2005 published inventory on primary forest areas in the country and announces to challenge its own legislation on virgin forest protection. This move happened earlier this week, a few days after the Romanian Governmental was dismissed by Parliament and during the absence of a Minister in charge. Crucial parts of Romanian forest protection legislation are based upon the so-called Romanian-Dutch “Pin-Matra”-study, which identified 218.000 ha primary forests in the country. The Ministerial statement from Monday night says, that neither forest authorities nor state forestry Romsilva have that document. Romsilva was a partner of the project and received significant funding.

Romania hosts two thirds of the primary forest remains in the European Union, but logging industry and its networks in politics and administration aggressively counters national forest conservation programmes. EuroNatur and Agent Green urge the new Romanian Government coming into place to ensure that Romania’s national and international forest protection obligations are fulfilled and that not any longer torpedoed by misled interests utilising Governmental institutions. 

”The 2005 inventory was prepared by numerous respected scientists and was published and presented various times. However, a large proportion of the primary forest areas mapped by that study have been destroyed since then – under the eyes of forest authorities and several Governments. Data from the study is published on a Governmental website and was used as basement for several Ministerial Ordinances. It is unbelievable, that strange forces within the Ministry are now creating ‘alternative facts’ by neglecting the existence of that study. This is obviously a very blunt attempt to derail forest protection legislation”, said Gabriel Schwaderer, CEO of EuroNatur.
The irritating Ministerial announcement comes three months after scientists, mountaineers and Agent Green activists stopped a timber truck in Făgăraș Mountains to raise attention on the loss of the last virgin forests. The minister ordered a detailed inspection in the area immediately after the action and the Ministry announced this Monday that they found overcutting up to 4100%. The forest district will be fined for illegally logging of 30.554 m3 timber from virgin forests in Făgăraș Mountains. But these virgin forest were included in the allegedly lost inventory and therefore the Ministry says in the same release that its own control body will verify the making and application of the virgin forests laws since the data sets of the inventories never existed neither at the ministry, nor at the Forestry Research Institute (ICAS) or at Romsilva (the State forest managing entity).
”We have been hacked several times and still managed to secure a copy of the virgin forests inventory and the related data sets. We are ready to help the Ministry with a copy. However, this kind of politics of disinformation and fouls against nature, obviously driven by lobby interests, are damaging the reputation of Romania. Our great forest treasure is being destroyed day by day. Those who are driving logging forward must not be allowed to divert the Ministry away from its responsibilities”, said Gabriel Paun, CEO of Agent Green.

The Romanian Ministry: “RNP-Romsilva’s technical staff was not involved in any way, nor was it informed or consulted when the database was drafted” (PinMatra-study). This images proofs, that Romsilva definately was “involved”, somehow…

Romania Auctions Paradise Forests in Domogled National Park for Logging

Romania’s state forestry agency, Romsilva, has auctioned an old growth forest with an average age of 210 years for exploitation right in the heart of Domogled – Cerna Valley National Park. Ironically, Romsilva is also in charge of national park management.

This extremely valuable and biodiversity rich forest with many very old trees should have been included in the park’s non-intervention area, the Romanian NGO Agent Green stated. Local farmers took out only selected branches for fire wood. They respected the very old trees and did not cut them. Therefore this forest is an example of low impact farming and coexistence of small scale farming and close to nature forests. Commercial logging plans of Romsilva would eliminate this unique cultural and natural area. 

Just a few weeks ago, environmentalists raised the alarm because Romsilva had issued permission to log a primary forest in the upper Cerna valley. The forest is also located in the heart of the national park, in an almost untouched side valley – amidst large, intact ancient beech forests.

Ciprian Pahonţu, the director of Romsilva, has recently given a commitment to Agent Green to increase the non-intervention areas in forests of national parks. However, logging is allowed in more than 50% of the park, and each new logging operation in primary forest will justify new “conservation cutting” in the centuries to come. The current non-intervention zone of the park includes large unproductive alpine areas above the tree line, and many of the parks natural forests lack protection and are progressively being destroyed.

According to criteria by the international nature conservation organisation IUCN national parks should have non interventions zones of at least 75% of its territory.

Domogled – Valea Cernei is a designated EU Natura 2000 site,  which says, that “Member States shall take appropriate steps to avoid, in the special areas of conservation, the deterioration of natural habitats and the habitats of species as well as disturbance of the species for which the areas have been designated, in so far as such disturbance could be significant in relation to the objectives of this Directive.” Progessive logging of large areas of primary forests is cleary a “significant disturbance”.

In the entire national park numerous primary and old growth forest parcels have been opened for logging in the recent years. Before the loggers entered, many of these forests met the criteria for virgin forests as defined by the Governmental protocols. It is obvious that these highly valuable forests do not currently have any protection status, despite the fact that they are in a national park and a Natura 2000 site.

Agent Green claims that the exploitation of old growth and primary forests – in particular in national parks – is a deliberate and irreversible ecological crime. Thus the Romanian Ministry of Environment must hold Romsilva accountable for the damage they have so far made and immediately prevent it from proceeding with and further primary and old growth forest destruction. 

Global natural heritage: primary beech forest in Domogled national park
Brutal devastation of a natural forest in Cerna valley / Domogled national park.
In the middle of the national park there is a big hole in the protection scheme. All forests there have no protection, logging proceeds.